Spectrum > Spectrum Dispensing
Spectrum Dispensing
Material dispensing in correct quantities is an essential component for maintaining product quality and saving costs. Material is dispensed on the basis of shop or production orders, specifying the exact quantity of all materials to be dispensed for the manufacturing of a particular batch.
If the material dispensed is less than required quantity, then you will not get the right quality of finished good. Similarly, if an excess is dispensed, then this results in excess cost to the company and affects final quality.
Spectrum Dispensing handles material dispensing in an efficient manner by interfacing weighing balances and checking the dispensed weight against the required weight.
Required quantities for dispensing are extracted using an interface to ERP system or can be uploaded manually. Individual lots are broken into available container sizes for weighing and dispensing.
Spectrum Dispensing generate labels for dispensed items indicating item, container #, weight, dispensed by person, etc. |